Nansemond Precincts
The following Compiled Precinct lists of 1759 and 1763 show William and Whitaker Redd’s neighbors. Since this is an area of the United States that has suffered record loss through multiple fires we have little information to go on to discover who they were and where they came from.
Knowledge about the following individuals may reveal information about their neighbors, our ancestors, William and Whitaker Redd.
1759 Neighbors in Nansemond Co., VA | Precinct |
Elisha ASHBURN | 6 |
John ASHBURN | 6 |
William BABB | 3 |
Capt. BAKER | 6 |
Capt. William BAKER | 6 |
Elisha BALLARD | 6 |
John BALLARD | 23 |
Jesse BATTLE | 6 |
Henry BEST | 6 |
John BEST | 3 |
Kedar BEST | 3 |
Abraham BOOTH | 6 |
Joseph BOOTH | 2 |
Robert BOOTH | 2 |
____BOYCE | 2 |
Abraham CARNAL | 23 |
John COLE | 18 |
Mrs. CRAWFORD | 6 |
John CROSS | 18 |
Jacob DARDAN | 6 |
John DEMBY | 2,23 |
Mary DOUGHTIE | 3 |
John DOWNING | 3 |
Assia/Asia DUKE | 23 |
Ann ELIOT | 18 |
George FIRTH | 3 |
Benjamin FORSET | 6 |
Frances FORSET | 6 |
William FROST | 2 |
Jerimiah GODWIN | 3 |
Henry GWIN | 23 |
John GWIN | 6 |
Josiah GWIN | 6 |
Thomas GWIN | 6 |
John HAIRE | 18 |
Widdow HARRELL | 2 |
James HYNES | 6 |
Richard HYNES | 6 |
John JONES | 3 |
Samuel JORDAN | 3 |
_____KING | 6 |
Abraham LASSATER | 2 |
Great Abraham LASSATER | 2 |
Jesse LASSATER | 2 |
Jotham LASSATER | 2 |
George LAWRENCE | 6 |
John LAWRENCE | 6 |
Paul LAWRENCE | 6 |
James LETORT | 6 |
James LONG | 18 |
Daniel MARCH | 18 |
James MARCH | 6,18,23 |
John MARCH | 6 |
Mrs. MEADE | 4,6,23 |
Edward MOORE | 3 |
William MOORE | 6 |
Thomas NEWBY | 2,23 |
Christopher NORFLEET | 5,23 |
Elisha NORFLEET | 3 |
James NORFLEET | 4 |
John NORFLEET | 23 |
Thomas NORFLEET | 3 |
William NORFLEET | 3 |
Abraham ODUM | 18 |
Abraham PARKER | 18 |
Kedar PARKER | 4 |
Willis PARKER | 4 |
John PENDER | 4 |
Joseph PRICE | 23 |
Nathaniel PRUDEN | 6 |
James PURVIS (son of John Purvis, Jr.) | 18 |
John PURVIS | 18 |
William RAWLS | 18 |
William RED | 23 |
David RICE | 3 |
John RICHARDS | 3 |
Col: Lamuel RIDDICK | 18 |
Jesse RIDDICK | 4 |
Josiah RIDDICK | 2 |
Benjamin Rogers | 18 |
Eliza ROGERS | 18 |
William ROGERS (son of Joseph Rogers) | 18 |
John ROUNDTREE | 2 |
Robert ROUNDTREE | 2 |
William ROUNDTREE | 2 |
Thomas SANDERS | 3 |
William SAVAGE | 2 |
Thomas SHIVERS | 4 |
James SKETO | 2 |
Jos[seph] Skiner | 23 |
John SPIGHT | 23 |
George SPIVY | 2 |
James SPIVY | 2 |
John STREATOR | 3 |
David SUMNER | 18 |
Thomas SUMNER | 3 |
Mansfield TARNINGTON | 2 |
Henning TEMPLEY | 3,6 |
John TOWNSEND | 18 |
Josiah VAUGHANS | 6 |
Abraham VELINES | 6 |
John WATRIDGE | 2 |
Jonathan WEAVER | 3 |
Richard WEBB | 3 |
Henry WRIGHT | 6 |
1763 Neighbors in Nansemond Co., VA | Precinct |
John ASHBOURN | 6 |
______BAKER(1 line) | |
Benjamin BAKER | 17 |
Joseph BAKER | 5 |
Widdow BAKER | 17 |
Elisha BALLARD | 6 |
John BAL[L]ARD | 5,23 |
William BATEMAN | 5 |
Jessey BATTLE | 6 |
Absolem BEAMONS | 5 |
Henry BEST | 6 |
Lawrence BLADE | 23 |
John BUTLER | 5 |
Abraham CARNAL | 23 |
James COUPLAN | 5 |
_____CRAFFORD | 17 |
Widdow CUTCHENS | 17 |
Stephen DARDAN | 17 |
John DAUGHTEREY | 17 |
Lewis DAUGHTEREY | 17 |
Asael DUKE | 23 |
John EASE | 23 |
John FLEMIN | 17 |
Benjamin FORSET | 6 |
Francis FORSET | 6 |
Edmond FOWLER | 17 |
John GILES | 5 |
Henry GWIN | 23 |
Josiah GWIN | 6 |
Thomas GWIN | 6 |
John HARRISSON | 5,17 |
Thomas HEALY | 23 |
William HARRISON | 5 |
Daniel HOLAND | 17 |
William HOLAND | 17 |
Edward HOWELL | 17 |
James HYNES | 6 |
Daniel MARCH | 6,23 |
David MEADE | 17 |
Christopher NORFLEET | 17,23 |
John NORFLEET | 23 |
Joseph PERRY | 23 |
John PORTER | 5 |
John RAWLS | 5 |
Wi[llia]m RED | 23 |
Whitaker REDD | 23 |
_____SANDERS | 17 |
Sarah SANDERS | 17 |
Widdow SANDERS | 17 |
William SAVAGE | 23 |
Jessey SKINERS | 5 |
Joseph SKINER | 23 |
Mansfield TARLINGTON | 23 |
William TARLINGTON | 23 |
James VAUGHAN | 17 |
Widdow VAUGHAN | 17 |
William VAUGHAN | 17 |
John WHITFIELD | 17 |
Robert WHITFIELD | 17 |
James WINBORN | 5 |
Thomas WINBORN | 5 |
______WORL? | 17 |
Oliver WORRELL | 17 |
Research by Carolyn Nell: The Compiled 1759 and 1763 precinct lists are of the neighborhood precinct 23 where William and Whittaker Redd lived in Nansemond County,Virginia and precincts that adjoined precinct 23
We are searching for information about these people: If you know anything about the Redd’s neighbors from this list please contact
Jan Garbett
8438 South Gad Way
Sandy, Utah 84093
Send e-mail to: [email protected]
One neighbor, Samuel Jordan, a prominent Va. legislator, arrived in Jamestown in 1610 after being shipwrecked enroute. He had a son Thomas, who another source said married a (Nancy) Ann Dandridge, sister to Martha Dandridge, wife of George Washington. In another source, a sister or cousin of theirs married a Redd. The source for this is
John Redd
I think alot of these people are toscarora or chowanoke indians.
my wife is a lassiter.
many of the names are her family.
they copied alot of the prominent white peoples names