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The Utah Redds and Their Progenitors

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new_bookThis is a new 4th edition of Lura’s classic Redd Family Book. It has a beautiful hard cover with several full color photos in addition to everything contained in the softcover 3rd edition except for the CD-ROM.

It can be ordered directly from Brigham Young University Print and Mail Production Center, 238 University Press Building, Provo, Utah 84602, by phone (801) 422-0432 or by email: [email protected]. Reference file number G012620 so they can find it easily.

Also, you can now access the PDF version of the book for free online at!

Access to Photographs and Documents in the Book

Index of Names in the Book

$94.52 each for one book
$79.13 each for ten books
$55.49 each for twenty books