Lurany was Whitaker Redd Jr’s third and final wife. She survived him at his death in 1825 and inherited the land described in this county record:
State of N Carolina} We the undersigned being sum-
Onslow County } moned by the sheriff of said Coun-
ty and being sworn in due form of Law to Allot & set of
To Lurany Redd widow of Whitaker Redd deceased
her dower of Land which she is by Law entitled to
after surveying & Examining the different qualities
of said Land We agree and set of to said Lurany Redd
All that Part of the manor Plantation within these
Bounds (to Wit)
Beginning at the Southernmost gate Post on the
Road Leading to the house then So 23 Wt 13 ½ poles
to a stake Then No 47 Et across the Plantation to the
first branch then down the branch Northwardly to
the River Then westwardly Round with the cleared
Land to the beginning Including a small piece
near the northwest Corner over a small branch for her
Thirds of all the Lands Said Redd died seized & posse-
ssed of with a Priviledge of timber to keep up
said Land and building given under our hands
And seals this 30th of October AD 1828 (Look up)
Edwards Hobbs {Seal} Joseph M Ennett {Seal}
Daniel McDonald {Seal} Jacob Goulden {Seal}
Sigley Curtis {Seal} Thomas H Hill {Seal}
Burgess Williams {Seal} Edward Hobbs {Seal}
John Chadwick {Seal} Nehemiah Taylor {Seal}
William King {Seal} Benjamin Ennett {Seal}
Which Report of Brice Fonville Sheriff of onslow
Test. B. Fonville Shff.
Onslow County Court of Pleas & quarter sessions Nov.
Term 1828 Then was this Report Returned & Confirm-
ed in open Court & Ordered to be Registered
Registered January 27th 1829 Daniel Ambrose Clk