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State of N. Carolina}This Indenture made
Onslow County
}this 8th of February 1813
Between Nancy Barlow of One part & Wm
Redd of the Other part Witnesseth that I
Nancy Barlow for the sum of One hundred
& Twenty five Pounds to her in hand paid
the Receipt is hereby acknowledged have bargain
& sold & Confirmed to said Wm Redd his heirs
& assigns forever all my part or parcel of
Lands & Will that formerly belonged to my
Father Thomas Barlow Which Right of Said land
and Mill fell to me by the death of my father
Thomas Barow to have and to hold the said
part or parcels of Lands & mill with all &
Every of the appurtainances Priviledges &
advantages to the said Lands & mill belonging
Or in anywise appertaining to the Said Wm
Redd his heirs & assigns forever & I do for my
self my heirs & Warrant & Defend the aforesaid
Bargained Lands mill & premises from &
against the Lawful Claim of all & Every
Person Or persons unto Redd his heirs &
assigns forever in Witness Whereof I here set
my hand and seal Date first Written
Nancy Barlow {Seal}
Test. John Spicer} At July Court 1814
& Daniel Nixon }
this deed proved by John Esplin & ordered to be
Registered N. Loomiss CC
Registered December 17th 1814